My third game made at The Game Assembly. It’s a 2D platformer where you, Maximon, need to defend your ancient temple from intruders that are trying to rob it.
My Contributions
- Created a level class reading levels exported from Tiled
- Implemented a threaded renderer and level loading
- Integrated Box2D in the game
- Implemented culling through a grid
- Created a launcher in C# with selectable options for the game
- Improved on my particle editor from last project. Used by our Game Artists
- Worked on performance improvements
- Created a menu system with support for mouse, keyboard and/or a controller
Project Details
- Made in 8 weeks (50% time)
- Made in TGA2D
- Written in C++
- Levels made in Tiled
Team: Team Kill
Level Designers
Game Artists
- Rasmus Björk (now Technical Artist)
- Hedda Peterson
- Nina C S Sas