My second game made at The Game Assembly. It’s a 2D side scrolling action game where you fight against the gods to earn your place in Valhalla.
My Contributions
- Created an online leaderboard for level completion times, using TCP with a client-server architecture
- Storing encrypted player data locally
- Created a level class reading levels exported from Tiled
- Implemented a threaded renderer and level loading
- Created a JSON manager. For loading sprites, levels and almost all our variables used in the game
- Created flying patterns support
- Implemented parallax backgrounds
- Initial spawning, shooting and killing for enemies
- Made all behaviours for two of the bosses
- Created a particle editor used by our Game Artists
- Implemented resetting of the game when the player respawn
Project Details
- Made in 8 weeks (50% time)
- Made in TGA2D
- Written in C++
- Levels made in Tiled
Team: Hel’s Finest
- Jacob Reimer
- Jesper Teodorsson
- Niklas Utterbäck
- Sebastian Fransson
- Patrik Krogell Hansson
Level Designers
- Joshua Christiansen
- John Behrens (now Technical Artist)
Game Artists