Carnival Carnage is a 3D game made by my team and is a party game. You win by pushing all other players outside of the circle. The players that have been pushed out can launch remove controlled piñatas stunning any player hit.
My Contributions
- Networked game through callback system and developed server browser using broadcasting, lobby, loading screen and smooth disconnect handling
- Player controlled piñatas growing for each box eaten and spawning particles on death
- Support for 3D text in our engine
- Weighted spawning of the boxes in the circle
- Added “secret” deathmatch, classical fight mode style
Project Details
- Made in 8 weeks (50% time)
- Our own custom engine, Suncup Engine, using DirectX 11
- Written in C++. Scripting in Lua
- Levels made in Unity
Team: Phoenix Bit
- Axel Szelag
- Hampus Siversson
- Jacob Reimer
- Sebastian Szymanski
Game Artists
Technical Artists
- John Behrens
- Nils Svenningsen